New Mexico Skies

There are plenty of good reasons why artists, writers, photographers and other creative types gravitate to the American Southwest in general, and to New Mexico in particular.

One of these reasons has to be the quality of light that seems unique to the region.


When cloud-free, the skies tend to be a faultless cerulean blue.

When dappled with clouds, the midday glare seems magically moderated.

Rio Chama on a cold February morning

When thunderheads appear, they lend a whole new dimension — that of the vertical — to the landscape.

Spring storm on the Bosque

And as daylight fades, the sky seems to take on a character all its own, entirely separate from the broken terrain below.

Quebradas sundown

It’s time for another New Mexico roadtrip!

7 thoughts on “New Mexico Skies

  1. Really gorgeous photos! Especially like the last 3 (for different reasons)… Love the light in the clouds in the last one! I’ve not been to New Mexico yet, but definitely look forward to going.

  2. Pingback: Abiquiu: Naked, Iridescent and Wrinkled « virtualDavis

  3. Pingback: Abiquiu: Naked, Iridescent and Wrinkled | virtualDavis

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